Tailoring the RCM Model to What Works For You

In an era of public scrutiny and requests for increased financial accountability, higher-ed leaders are looking for ways to show the public that they are addressing the issue of rising college costs. Many have turned to responsibility-centered management (RCM) as a way to reduce costs and encourage financial responsibility within individual academic departments. While many […]

Help Your Faculty Manage Online Workload

We turned to Larry Ragan and Susan Ko for tips on how department chairs and faculty developers can help faculty manage online workload. We hope you will also invite your faculty to review our recorded webcast, Managing Online Course Workload. Because online and blended courses require more preparation than most traditional courses, faculty often find […]

Is Crowdfunding Right for You?

by Erin Swietlik and Gwen Doyle (Academic Impressions) In our introduction to crowdfunding published this past fall (“Higher-Ed Crowdfunding: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?“), we outlined what crowdfunding is and what distinguishes it from other fundraising and donor acquisition tools that are gaining popularity across higher-ed fundraising shops. In this article, we […]

Representing Your Institution Overseas: Leveraging Your Alumni as a Key Resource

by Gretchen Dobson (Gretchen Dobson, LLC) We do it domestically when we are traveling for business: we ask family, colleagues, and friends for recommendations on how to make the most of a free afternoon, where to find local cuisine, and whether public transportation saves us time and money. We need to do the same when […]

Practical Strategies for Partnering with Faculty in Student Recruitment

W. Kent Barnds offers seven strategies for involving faculty in student recruitment in ways that are meaningful and effective. Here’s how to do it right. Admissions teams often ask: “How do we effectively involve faculty members in student recruitment?” This question has even more urgency now, given enrollment pressures throughout higher education. It only makes […]

How One Institution Took Space Management to the Next Level

Here’s how the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) completely updated its approach to space management. What We Faced As capital funding becomes more competitive, it is increasingly important that the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) uses spatial data in a strategic fashion to acquire monies for capital projects. Upon creating a […]

Checklist: Using LinkedIn to Engage Alumni

During a recent Academic Impressions online training, Keith Hannon of Cornell University asked alumni relations professionals from 81 institutions to share where they have found success in sharing content and starting discussions with alumni via LinkedIn. The lively list of responses provides a quick checklist of content that alumni relations officers are trying across higher […]

Panel: How Peer Mentoring Can Assist Students in Niche Programs or at Niche Institutions

At Academic Impressions, we have offered a number of articles and other resources on peer mentoring, and our readers and participants at our events have asked, “Is peer mentoring effective in a niche academic program — such as nursing or aviation — or at a niche institution?” We forwarded this question to a panel of […]

Debunked: Myths About Peer Mentoring

Recently at Academic Impressions, we asked a panel of experts on peer mentor programs if there were any myths or common misconceptions about peer mentoring that they would like to debunk. This article provides their answers. Included on the panel: Myths About Setting up Peer Mentor Programs Bryce Bunting. One of the most common misconceptions […]

Reforming the Core Curriculum: When You’re Mid-Process

Earlier this fall, Academic Impressions released a study of general education reform in North America, based on a survey of 308 academic leaders and a series of interviews with leading innovators in core curriculum reform. In the weeks since the release of our report, we have continued to interview provosts and deans at a diversity […]