Powered by Predictive Data: How Central Carolina Community College Will Identify and Support At-Risk Students through Proactive Coaching

For boosting completion rates for at-risk students, how much of a difference can structured student coaching make? Here’s what Central Carolina Community College is trying. SPOTLIGHT ON INNOVATION SERIES The US Department of Education has awarded multi-million dollar “First in the World” grants to 18 colleges and universities that are innovating to solve critical challenges […]

Video: What Makes a High-Functioning Team in Higher Ed?

by Patrick Sanaghan (The Sanaghan Group) In these three videos, I share some of the insights I’ve gathered from working closely with hundreds of teams in higher education — some of which were high-functioning and some of which were not. These are three of the top differentiators of truly exceptional teams. 1. Exceptional teams have […]

Donor Recognition Societies: What We Can Learn from American Airlines

by Tim Ponisciak (University of Notre Dame) A Peek Inside the American Airlines Concierge Key Program The movie Up In The Air came out in 2009, with a sub-plotline about a business traveler’s quest to achieve status as a member of the unadvertised, little known, American Airlines Concierge Key program. While most of us are […]

What Disney, Coke, and Pixar Have to Teach Annual Giving and Alumni Relations

Many annual giving and alumni relations departments repeatedly rely on the same techniques to interest and invigorate alumni. However, the same old techniques can result in diminished enthusiasm from donors and potential donors alike. Where can advancement professionals look for inspiring new ideas to implement at their institutions? To help address this, Tim Ponisciak’s new […]

A Look Inside Academic Impressions

by Daniel Fusch, Academic Impressions, interviewing Amit Mrig, President, Academic Impressions I know from talking with many of our subscribers that not all of you are aware of the full breadth of what Academic Impressions does in the higher-ed industry. Some things you may not know about AI: We organize over 100 conferences for higher […]

Dear Small College President

Moody’s just released a report predicting that the rate of small college closings will triple by 2017. This has caused some consternation and backlash from small college presidents. I don’t plan to contest or affirm Moody’s prediction; I think what’s more critical to be aware of is that for you and other presidents of small […]

How to Start a Foundation Stewardship Program from Scratch

What does effective private foundation stewardship look like? Grand Valley State has a tightly-knit community – and here’s how they got there. Based on their experience, read 5 steps to get started, 5 steps to get your house in order, 4 ways to learn about the community, and 4 ways to make it personal. Attending […]

Fundraising Planning: Taking a Longer-Term Approach

Experienced chief development officers know that budgeting and staff planning must take into consideration agreed-upon fundraising priorities and goals. We also know that fundraising plays a role in achieving the campus leader’s overall strategic vision. Since most campaigns or projects require more than one year to complete, budgeting and planning beyond a year at a […]

Infographic: Reaching 4 Generations of Alumni

by Luanne M. Lawrence, Senior Consultant, LML Marketing & Communications It is a complex task to reach alumni today: they fall into four generational categories, each with its own expectations around communication. Alumni staff are working hard – but often using the techniques that resonate most with Traditionals: print magazines; reunions; e-newsletters; direct mail. The […]

Donor Relations: What You “Should” Do and What You “Must” Do

In donor relations, it’s easy to split ourselves too many ways, pursuing too many initiatives at once. Often, we begin our work brainstorming about what we must do in order to build your program? To prioritize your efforts wisely, refer to the Four Pillars of Donor Relations (covered in full in my book): In this updated […]