Higher education is the mechanism that makes the American Dream possible–participation and graduation from college is the key to changing an individual’s and family’s life trajectory. And higher education–and our country as a whole–is made better by our ability to accept, welcome, and engage with our swiftly diversifying population. As such, we at Academic Impressions have been deeply disappointed by the decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (or DACA).
DACA has offered an opportunity to young people who have lived in the United States for most of their lives to engage with the American notion that hard work and dedication are the keys to creating a better life for yourself. DREAMers in turn have used that opportunity to further their educations, join the armed forces, and start businesses. Their actions have benefited their communities and our country as a whole. To toss those futures aside not only violates these American ideals but it rips families apart, damages communities and economies.
We along with other numerous higher education associations and organizations, encourage Congress to take swift action to secure the status of DREAMers before the 6-month time period ends. Roughly 800,000 young people placed their futures in our hands. It is imperative that we not let them down.