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Planning and Completing Your Academic Book: A Guide to Process and Motivation

Last updated March 31, 2023

Course Length

1h 5m

Last Updated

March 31, 2023

Planning and Completing Your Academic Book: A Guide to Process and Motivation

Last updated March 31, 2023

Get the tools to plan and complete your academic book from start to finish.


The decision to publish a book, as opposed to articles or other, shorter pieces, is always a complex one for faculty to consider. Whether they are at the mid-career stage and able to establish a new phase of their research arc, an early-career faculty member who is publishing a book for tenure, or any faculty member hoping to share their research more broadly, the process is often opaque and time-consuming. This course is designed to help faculty to begin thinking about and planning the process of writing a book. Our speaker, Dr. Daryl Van Tongeren, has published multiple books with different audiences, ranging from other academics, to clinicians, to the general public. He will walk you through developing an idea, considering different book types and audiences, the steps required for writing, and developing strong writing habits. You will leave this course with a better sense of whether it is the right time for writing your book, how you should manage the process, and what steps you’ll need to take to get started.

This course is intended for a wide range of faculty, including tenure-track, career-track, and a wide variety of disciplines. Whether you are required to write a book for tenure, at the mid-career stage and wish to dive deeper into a specific piece of your research, or one of those at any stage who wishes to share your research with a wider audience, this course is for you.

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Course Highlights

  • 66 m of video
  • 15 short videos
  • 1 workbook
  • Valued at $495. Free for Members.