Responding to Title IX Disclosures for Faculty and Staff

Course Length


Responding to Title IX Disclosures for Faculty and Staff

Reinforce the trust between you and a reporting party when you’re informed of a sexual harrassment incident.


During the course of your career, you will likely experience a Title IX disclosure from someone on your campus who trusts you. This course will give you the skillset to respond to a disclosure in the moment and understand the process after the initial disclosure of sexual harassment. We’ll explore your responsibilities and give you strategies to ensure safe and productive conversations when students and employees share details of sexual harassment with you. In this course you will learn how to:

  • Understand the risks involved if a conversation is mishandled
  • Respond effectively using 7 tips to personalize your approach
  • Understand what not to say or do that could be harmful
  • Be prepared at a moment’s notice

Who should attend?

Whether you’re a trusted faculty or staff member, this course is for you. This course will give you the tools to effectively and compassionately respond to a disclosure of sexual harassment.