Online Course Accessibility Training for Faculty


Online Course Accessibility Training for Faculty


Table of Contents


Are you designing online course content that is accessible to all students?

The online environment has the potential to offer an extremely accessible platform for all students to learn. However, students with disabilities often have difficulty using these online learning tools because websites and course content are not created with them in mind. When course content is inaccessible, it creates unnecessary barriers for students with disabilities. Are your online courses accessible for your entire student population?
Join us for this online training series as we share ways to support the needs of all students online and comply with accessibility regulations. We will discuss:

  • Consequences of inaccessibility
  • Technology availability
  • How to create course websites that are accessible to all users, regardless of ability


Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.