Faculty Handbooks: 5 Common Problems and Recommended Solutions


Faculty Handbooks: 5 Common Problems and Recommended Solutions


Table of Contents


When was the last time you updated your faculty handbook?


  • A Brief Overview of Common Problems with Faculty Handbooks
    • Outdated handbook models
    • Contractual issues, costs, and morale implications
  • Outline of Common Problems and Solutions
    • Common problem #1: Inconsistent appointment letters and using handbooks as contracts
    • Common problem #2: Failure to define essential terms
      • Key terms to define
      • Alignment with institutional policies
    • Common problem #3: Inconsistent tenure standards, discipline/dismissal procedures, and appeal/grievance provisions
      • Articulating key provisions
      • Ensuring early intervention
      • Consistency with shared governance
    • Common problem #4: Unworkable/Obsolete/Illegal provisions including amendment limitations
      • Streamlining the handbook
      • Ensuring compliance with current laws
    • Common Problem #5: Unnecessary or inappropriate material (including common provisions that should not be included in the handbook)
  • Next Steps/Final Q&A
    • Setting a schedule/timeframe
    • Involving faculty

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.