Key Considerations for Learning Commons Design

(Retired) | Last updated June 5, 2015

Course Length

1h 29m

Last Updated

June 5, 2015

Key Considerations for Learning Commons Design

(Retired) | Last updated June 5, 2015


This online training will prepare you to design a learning commons that helps you achieve your programmatic goals. You will leave with:

  • Programmatic considerations for implementing learning commons on campus
  • The ability to connect programming goals to learning commons design choices
  • Many examples of finished learning commons spaces to aid your own design

Our expert presenters bring the experiences of multiple projects to the table. Their firsthand knowledge will help answer your learning commons questions and move your project forward.

Who should attend?

This program is ideal for those who are in the visioning or planning phase of a library learning commons. An effective library planning team may consist of the dean or director of libraries, the primary advocate for the library project, and other stakeholders from library, information technology, academic affairs, and facilities management.


  • In planning programmatically for your learning commons, have you:
    • Formed a collaborative partnership with IT services?
    • Identified key academic partners in programming your learning commons spaces?
    • Properly addressing shifting library personnel responsibilities and expectations?
  • Case studies: Where program meets learning commons design
    • Approaches to designing multiple learning environments in a single space
    • Lessons learned in creating patron traffic flow patterns
    • Keys to balancing public and private technology usage
    • Sample blueprints of actualized learning commons spaces
  • 3 lessons learned in sharing learning commons and library spaces

Why is this event retired?

At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.