Considerations for Working with Commission-Based International Recruitment Agents


Considerations for Working with Commission-Based International Recruitment Agents


Table of Contents


Is working with commission-based international recruitment agents right for your institution?


  • Introduction and Welcome
  • Starting the Conversation
    • Debunking agent myths
    • Motivations behind using agents
    • Reservations about using agents
  • Policy on Ethics and Transparency
    • What kinds of options are there for ensuring the agents you choose are ethical?
    • What will you require of your agents in terms of transparency?
    • How will you commit to transparency on your end?
  • Assessing Fit and Capacity
    • Types of recruitment agents
    • Choices are determined by your own pre-existing international recruitment strategy
    • Institutional/Logistical considerations
  • Next Steps and Questions

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At AI we want to always ensure that the best and most current trainings are available to members, and we regularly review our trainings to ensure that is the case.