Don Chu
Dean Emeritus
Don is a native of New York. He earned his bachelor’s from Oberlin College, master’s and Ph.D. from Stanford University with specialization in sociology of education and formal organizations. At Skidmore College and California State University Chico he served as chair for ten years before deanships at the University of West Florida, California State University San Marcos and National University. In 1999-2000 he served as Executive Fellow for the California State University System and co-authored the California State University System Department Chair Survey Report. His publications include The Department Chair Field Manual (Kindle Direct Publishing, 2021), _Academic Management 2.0: Academic Leadership for the 21st Century (_forthcoming 2023), and The Department Chair Primer (2nd edition) John Wiley 2012. His numerous articles in The Department Chair, Dean & Provost (Wiley Online), national and international consultancies emphasize the critical importance of academic department management to institutional mission achievement.