Higher Ed Leaders: We have the Support & Strategies You Need
Picture of Justin Thibault

Justin Thibault

Justin manages the University of Ottawa’s strategic initiative to become, and remain, a recognized leader in service excellence. The university is committed to putting students at the center of its educational mission and strengthening every element of the student connection.

As a skilled facilitator and motivational change agent, Justin collaborates with all university sectors to implement a range of continuous improvement strategies. These include annual student experience measurements, strategic solutions, action planning, improving processes, employee standards and performance metrics, employee rewards and recognition, training and communications. From front-line employees to senior administrators, all levels of the university are implicated in the success of the Service Excellence initiative.

Justin’s drive to improve customer service for students started with his own student experience. A two-time graduate from the University of Ottawa, he was a dedicated advocate for improvements to the student experience over the course of his studies. Today, he brings forward his in-depth knowledge of student needs to encourage university employees to take the time to listen to the students and put themselves in their shoes.