Picture of Dr. Christopher L. Picard

Dr. Christopher L. Picard

Chris serves as provost for academic affairs at Salt Lake Community College, a large urban community college serving over 60,000 students annually at five full service campus locations. He supervises over 300 full-time and 1500 part-time faculty and manages a budget of over $120 million. He has served as an invited member of Utah Governor Herbert’s Trade Commission, accompanying him to Canada to explore energy policy as well as electronics manufacturing and trade. He serves also on the executive committee of the Western Alliance of Community College Academic Leaders (WACCAL) as well as the governing board of the Utah Experimental Program to Stimulated Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grant. He led efforts to create the Gen Ed Step Ahead, a cohort based program aimed at improving student degree completion as well as efforts to pilot MOOCs within the community college.