Stacy Mitz
Overseeing a staff of more than twenty, Mitz leads the team that aims to meet alumni where they are in their lives by providing meaningful connection points to the university and to each other, which is achieved through affinity-based offerings and niche programming, volunteer opportunities around the world, broad-based and high-end events, and a comprehensive communication plan.
During her career at Marquette, Mitz nationalized the award-winning CIRCLES networking program, a self-sustaining initiative that has generated multiple major gifts for the university. She developed quantifiable metrics to measure engagement and better define how to bring value to alumni. Mitz was also instrumental in planning one of Marquette’s most successful programs to date, which honored the former university president and raised millions for scholarship aid.
She joined the Marquette University advancement staff in April 2005. Prior to coming to Marquette, Mitz served as a campaign manager at the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, where she led a team of five that raised approximately four million dollars per year for cancer research. Before she began working in the nonprofit sector, she was a forecaster and market researcher for Procter & Gamble.