Paul H. Shiffman
Paul develops concepts and programs focused on supporting and accomplishing Excelsior’s strategic and long-range goals with a particular focus on advocacy for and delivery of online learning and adult distance education. He leads an annual policy institute, The Presidents’ Forum, comprising a national membership of higher education leadership, focusing on policy, regulatory, and fiscal issues associated with adult-serving and distance-learning institutions. Prior to joining Excelsior College, Paul served in a variety of administrative roles in academe and public service, including vice president for institutional planning and advancement at SUNY Rockland Community College, executive associate to the president and assistant vice president for government relations at SUNY Empire State College, executive associate to the vice chancellor for educational technology of the SUNY System, coordinator of legislative and educational policy for the National Education Association of New York, executive director of the Standing Committee on Education of the New York State Assembly, and educational planner for early childhood through secondary education in the Office of Planning and Budget for the Governor of the State of Georgia.